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Born in 1974, Jessica Galbreth began her career as an artist in 1999 after studying fine art at the University of Toledo.  Over the years, her artwork has been translated into many different products for the gift market and sold in stores and catalogs throughout the world. Her artwork took her on many adventures, appearing as a guest of honor at shows, art conventions and more.  Now she spends her time creating jewelry and inspirational art from her home studio in Waterville, Ohio, and finds much joy in the process.  




I've been an artist as long as I can remember, and am completely over the moon that I get to do what I love most for a living.  I have always been a daydreamer, and have such a desire to create beautiful things, it nearly consumes me.  I believe when God gives us the gift of creativity, we won't be happy unless we are using that gift in some way.


In 2010, I experienced a radical and wonderful shift in my personal faith and became a Christian.  After trusting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I turned a page in my career as an artist and started fresh, retiring my older work that no longer fit with who I was.  God gave me a new vision, and put a new desire in my heart.  With all my art created since that moment, I always try to convey a sense of peace, hope and love...celebrating all that is light and good.    


You can find me posting daily on Facebook, always adding new things to my collection and interacting with those who enjoy what I create. Please do join me there:


"Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." ~ Psalm 37:4





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